Monday, March 5, 2012

With Full-On Teenage Attitude... four year old says to me this morning, "Mom, [you're wearing] a skirt again?  Seriously?"

Lord, help me keep my patience with this one.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

New to Me

This saying may have been around the block a time or two, but it is completely new to me.  So here goes.

Tonight my boys were chanting, "First is the worst, Second is the best, Third is the one with hair on its chest!"

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Shopping for Clothes

Not much will snap you back into reality like shopping for clothes with a four-year-old.  (WITH.  Not FOR.)

Oh her brutal, honest opinion.  "Mommy, you have a fat tummy."

I'm reminded of this.

"Don't take a shower, guys"

In the car last night our MC announces, "Don't take a shower when we get home, guys, cuz I gotta poop."  (Because when he flushed, the change in water pressure would cause the shower water to be too hot.)

In a strange--and slightly disgusting--way, he was being thoughtful of his family members.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

More Singing

Continuing with her theme of holiday songs, my daughter recently sang, "It's the worst wonderful time of the year." 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Blooming Trees

My nephew recently came for a visit, and our community is abound with Christmas lights.  I asked him if he liked them, and he poetically observed that the trees were in winter bloom. 

Sugar Addict

My oldest son loves sweets.  I can't fault him--I do too. 

Tonight, I really missed out on a nomination for mother of the year--for dinner, we had cereal.  I'd had a long hard day.  I didn't want to cook.  I didn't want fast food.  And I didn't want to brave a restaurant during the Friday night dinner rush.  So we had cereal.  Well, my oldest refused to eat cereal.  He refused everything I offered him.  So I left him to fend for himself.  And his choice was toast, one slice with jelly, and one slice with cinnamon sugar.  About half way into eating, he asked if he could have root beer to drink.  I said no.  Thirty seconds later, I hear him stirring chocolate syrup into a glass of milk.